在大多數情況下,免疫治療首先需要確定病毒或癌細胞上最具免疫刺激作用的表位。T細胞表位是短肽序列,長度從MHC I復合物上的8-11個氨基酸到MHC II復合物上的15-24個氨基酸不等。肽庫是用于識別較大的表位中的短肽序列的理想工具,因為它們同時跨越數百種肽組合。T細胞截短肽庫是獨特的,因為它是由序列截短肽組合組成,從而確保整個T細胞表位是跨域的。這些截短的肽片段,通常從11-到8-mers,被匯集在一起。一旦確定了陽性細胞池,就可以對該池進行反容量,以確定T細胞表位序列。
使用金斯瑞的T細胞截短肽庫工具,首先輸入感興趣的蛋白序列。然后,選擇池中最長肽序列的長度(MHC I為11,MHC II最長可達24AA)。該工具將生成跨越整個序列長度的11-mer、10-mer、9-mer和8-mer肽池(或對于其他肽序列,長度將為n-mer、(n-1)-mer、(n-2)-mer和(n-3)-mer)。
Franzoni G, Kurkure NV, Essler SE, Pedrera M, Everett HE, Bodman-Smith KB, Crooke HR, Graham SP. Proteome-wide screening reveals immunodominance in the CD8 T cell response against classical swine fever virus with antigen-specificity dependent on MHC class I haplotype expression. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 23;8(12):e84246.
McGuide TC, Leib SR, Mealey RH, Fraser DG, Prieur DJ. Presentation and binding affinity of equine infectious anemia virus CTL envelope and matrix protein epitopes by an expressed equine classical MHC class I molecule. J Immunol. 2003 Aug 15;171(4):1984-93.
Holtappels R, Lemmermann N, Thomas D, Renzaho A, Reddehase M. Identification of an atypical CD8 T cell epitope encoded by murine cytomegalovirus ORF-M54 gaining dominance after deletion of the immunodominant antiviral CD8 T cell specificities. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2015; 2004: 317-326.
Buhrman JD, Jordan KR, Munson DJ, Moore BL, Kappler JW, Slansky JE. Improving antigenic peptide vaccines for cancer immunotherapy using a dominant tumor-specific T cell receptor. J Biol Chem. 2013 Nov 15;288(46):33213-25.