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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis> | … The fusion and 10× His tag were removed by adding His-tagged PreScission protease (GenScript, Z0392-500) and incubating overnight at 4 C. The protease, cleaved His tag and … | Get A Quote |
Serotonin receptors are important targets for established therapeutics and drug development as they are expressed throughout the human body and play key roles in cell signaling. There are 12 serotonergic G protein-coupled receptor members encoded in the human genome, of which the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptor (5-HTR) is the least understood and lacks selective tool compounds. Here, we report four high-resolution (2.73-2.80??) structures of human 5-HTRs, including an inactive state structure bound to an antagonist AS2674723 by crystallization and active state structures bound to a partial agonist lisuride and two full agonists, 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT) and methylergometrine, by cryo-EM. Leveraging... More