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Recombinant Proteins> | Representative immunoblots of total and surface biotinylated proteins from oocytes expressing rat P2X2-HIS or mouse P2X4 wild-type using anti-His (1:1500, Genscript) or anti-P2X4 (1:1000, Alomone) primary antibodies respectively and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)- conjugated secondary antibodies (1:5000, Jackson ImmunoResearch). | Get A Quote |
The assessment of local concentrations of extracellular ATP (eATP) at the site of receptor binding remains a challenge in the field of purinergic signaling. In many cases, biosensors exploiting the principle of F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) have provided useful tools to visualize local concentrations of metabolites. A series of FRET-based biosensors based on the epsilon subunits of bacterial ATP synthases have been described for the visualisation of ATP. These sensors carry ATP-sensing units with different affinities for ATP, permitting imaging of ATP under the widely different concentration conditions found in subcellular locations such as the cytoplasm and the membrane-proximal extracellular space... More